the working group of
german financial centers
Germany Finance is an informal association of the German financial centre initiatives from Frankfurt, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Munich and Stuttgart with the aim of increasing and communicating the attractiveness and diversity of Germany as a financial centre.
The spokesperson and first point of contact for all questions regarding the initiative is Andreas Glänzel from Frankfurt Main Finance.
The role of the spokesperson rotates annually between the financial centre initiatives. It is performed in close coordination with all the initiatives involved.
the Initiative at a glance
Finanzplatz Berlin
Berlin is one of the oldest German financial centers and European innovation and gravitational center for innovative financial services and digital economy. Then as now, Berlin is a popular place for foundations as well as the location of many headquarters of banks, stock exchanges, investment companies, rating agencies, savings banks, technology groups, insurance companies, asset managers, and venture capitalists. Berlin attracts smart and creative minds and investors worldwide due to its good combination of economy and digital ecosystem of companies in AI, Blockchain, E-Commerce, Finance, FinTech and IoT. The German capital is also the political center with influence in Europe and provides impetus for European data sovereignty, standards and technology.
A Berlin financial center initiative is currently being set up between politicians, market participants and the scientific community. As a starting point for this vision, the Berlin Finance Initiative is committed to:
- for human capital of the future,
- for innovation knowledge and networks,
- for site development and investments.

please contact:
Mr. Achim Oelgarth
East German Banking Association
Fon (030) 88 777 88 – 0
Fax (030) 88 777 88 – 8
Franfurt Main Finance e.V.
Frankfurt am Main benefits from its central location and the financial centre Frankfurt is the gateway to the largest European economy. Frankfurt is located in the economically dynamic Rhine-Main region and is home to more than 200 banks, over 80% of which are foreign banks. In the ranking of global financial centers (The Global Financial Centres Index 36), Frankfurt ranks 10th and is therefore the most important financial centre in the eurozone.
Since 2008, Frankfurt Main Finance has been the financial centre initiative of one of the leading financial centres in Germany and the euro zone. Its 80 members include the State of Hesse, the cities of Frankfurt am Main, Eschborn and Offenbach as well as numerous well-known financial market players and their service providers and private and public universities.
With their membership, they all express their close ties to the financial centre as well as their will to position Frankfurt as a first-rate national and international financial centre. Frankfurt Main Finance pools the forces of the players in the financial centre, markets the location and creates top-class dialogue platforms.
Frankfurt Main Finance e.V.
Walther-von-Cronberg-Platz 16
D – 60594 Frankfurt am Main

please contact
Andreas Glänzel
Managing Director
Fon 069 / 94 41 80 – 99
Fax 069 / 94 41 80 – 90
Finanzplatz Hamburg e.V.
Hanseatic, reliable, innovative or „the city of hidden champions“: Hamburg as a financial center is characterized by a long-standing tradition, close ties to the real economy and a diverse range of small and medium-sized businesses with a focus on foreign trade financing, asset management, specialty and health insurance and fintechs.
A broad regional economic structure, proximity to digital
companies from the media, gaming and online marketing-sector, short distances, diverse ecosystems and a high quality of life make the location attractive for financial companies and talents.
Please Contact:
Axel Hoops
Managing Director
Fon 040 / 36138-360
Finanzplatz München Initiative
The Munich Financial Center Initiative connects companies, associations, institutions as well as scientific and governmental bodies with the aim of further expanding the strong position of Bavaria and especially Munich in the international competition among financial centers. The establishment of the Initiative is largely due to the commitment of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs.
*Munich is currently not a member of Germany Finance
Please Contact:
Director Finanzplatz München Initiative
Fon 089 / 54 90 45-0
Fax 089 / 54 90 45-31
With the climate-neutral and digital and transformation and its financing, our economy is facing major challenges. Innovation and cooperation open up opportunities for better mobilization of capital. With Fin.Connect.NRW, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Innovation and cooperationopen up opportunities
North Rhine-Westphalia continues to expand its financial ecosystem of science, finance and companies. Clever ideas, promising business models and sustainable investments are the best means of harnessing new opportunities for the financial sector, companies and investors alike.
The state is an important business and financial location in Germany and Europe with innovative and export-strong companies and a creative start-up scene. Many foreign companies and also international banks have settled here. North Rhine-Westphalia is a leading insurance location. In addition, the state scores as an important science location.

Jürgen Schnitzmeier
Bismarckstraße 28
45470 Mülheim
Fon 0208 / 30004-23
Stuttgart Financial
In addition to well-known industrial companies and numerous world market leaders, the financial center Stuttgart is a very important pillar for economic prosperity in Baden-Württemberg. With its significant players, the financial center Stuttgart is also gaining increasing importance and radiance within the Federal Republic of Germany and Europe.
Vereinigung Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse e.V.
Stuttgart Financial
Börsenstraße 4
70174 Stuttgart

Dominik Schütz
Director of Stuttgart Financial
Fon 0711 222 985-726
Fax 0711 222 985-661
our partners
The Federal Ministry of Finance is responsible for all aspects of German fiscal, budgetary and financial markets policy. The Ministry is committed to the strengthening of Germany as a global financial hub at the heart of the European Single Market.
Germany Trade & Invest is the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The company
helps create and secure extra employment opportunities, strengthening Germany as a business location.
With more than 50 offices in Germany and abroad and its network of partners throughout the world,
Germany Trade & Invest supports German companies setting up in foreign markets, promotes Germany as a
business location and assists foreign companies setting up in Germany.