Putting more financial education on the political agenda

Aug 24 2023

Germany Finance More than 80 percent of investors are in favour of state-organised financial education – this was the result of the current online survey Trend of the Month in August, which DDV conducted together with several high-reach financial portals. While almost half of the respondents were in favour of a comprehensive and provider-independent state financial education concept (49.4 percent), just under a third were in favour of state-organised basic education and see in-depth and further education as individual tasks (32.4 percent). Almost one fifth is of the opinion that the private sector already provides financial education and training to a sufficient extent (18.2 percent).

„Structured securities can play an important role in asset accumulation, preservation and protection. But only well-informed investors are in a position to make confident investment decisions – both in non-advisory business and in the context of investment advice. As an industry association for structured securities, we actively support the „Financial Education Initiative“ of the Federal Ministries of Finance and Education and Research and are happy to contribute our expertise,“ says Christian Vollmuth, Managing Director of the German Derivatives Association (DDV).

Question: Do you see a need for action in financial education in Germany?
49.4%: Yes, we need a state-organised, comprehensive and provider-independent financial education concept
32.4%: In moderation. Solid basic education by the state seems sensible. Beyond that, each individual should inform himself.
18.2%: No, the opportunities for financial education and training are already provided to a sufficient extent (media, banks, etc.).

A total of 1138 people took part in this online trend survey. The survey, which was conducted together with the financial portals finanzen.net, finanztreff.de, guidants.com, marktEINBLICKE.de, onvista.de as well as wallstreet-online.de, is now also available on the DDV website at www.derivateverband.de/DEU/Statistiken/Trendumfrage.


Source: DDV press release of 23 August 2023
Image: Canva Pro