Challenges for the financial centre Germany - Online Discussion with State Secretary Dr Jörg Kukies

Dec. 18 2020

Frankfurt am Main On Monday, 14 December, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management invited to an online discussion with Dr Jörg Kukies, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finance. More than 200 students, alumni, finance sector and media representatives took part in the event. Professor Sascha Steffen, Professor of Finance at Frankfurt School, moderated the event.

Professor Nils Stieglitz, President of Frankfurt School, and Dr Clifford Tjiok, Managing Director of LOANCOS GmbH, introduced the programme. In his keynote speech, Dr Jörg Kukies addressed the challenges facing Frankfurt and Germany as a financial centre and provided insights into current topics and focuses at the Federal Ministry of Finance. Afterwards, the online event offered participants the opportunity to ask the State Secretary questions which led to a stimulating discussion.

Source: Frankfurt School of Finance and Management


Frankfurt Main Finance e.V.
Walther-von-Cronberg-Platz 16
D – 60594 Frankfurt am Main


Recording on youtube: