insureNXT 2023: the new international congress & expo

26 Apr 2023


Dear (inter-)national friends and partner of InsurLab Germany,

we have exciting news to share with all of you: Following the successful on-site premiere with more than 2000 participants this year, our new international congress for the insurance industry insureNXT goes into the next round, taking place on 26th/27th April 2023 in Cologne, Germany. We would be more than happy to have start-ups / scale-ups, corporates and/or renowned knowledge experts from your network contributing and/or participating in this event!


What does insureNXT offer?


insureNXT is the new international congress trade fair for innovation and transformation in the insurance industry. By means of a carefully designed program, pioneers, decision-makers and implementers will find answers and innovation impulses for the future of the industry. The insureNXT thus sets the basis for the development of new insurance solutions, innovative services and future-oriented business models. As a platform for knowledge- and best-practice sharing within the industry and beyond, the insureNXT is an essential building block for tackling key challenges in the insurance industry, learning from the best success stories in the market of networking with other like-minded, forward-thinking people. Meet and connect with insurance companies, leading service providers, universities and start-ups and be inspired about the future of insurance.


insureNXT offers different engagement packages for insurance companies, corporates, start-ups & scale-ups and we are more than happy to discuss these options with you depending on your individual needs or those of the partners in your network. There is a wide variety of participation options. E.g.


  • Visible presence by means of a booth in our exhibition hall as a place for interaction and information
  • Positioning of your own company through pitches, keynotes, guided tours and workshops or master classes on the focus topics of business transformation, customer centricity & distribution, digital ecosystems and insuring the digital economy


By the way, we have even more exciting news to share with you for insureNXT 2023: With Bain & Company we were able to gain a renowned knowledge partner. In addition, we will learn from other industries in the sense of an X-Industry approach. #Industry Convergence


If you are interested, we would like to connect you with our insureNXT Sales Manager Nina Topham (in cc). In a personal conversation you can discuss the participation package that is optimal for your network and partner and learn more about early bird specials. Feel free to share this information within your network and to reach out to Nina directly via

InsurLab Germany



InsurLab Germany and Fin.Connect.NRW are cooperation partners.

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