Invitation to the virtual insureNXT impulse

Jan. 25 2021

NRW Fin.Connect.NRW together with the industry initiative InsurLab Germany e.V. invites you to the second insureNXT impulse on the topic „Tech & Science Innovation & Transformation“. This is a remote format that forms the content teaser for the insureNXT congress trade fair in April 2021.


On Thursday, February 4, 2021 from 16:00 – 17:30 you can expect an exciting keynote on „The learnings of building Europe’s leading fintech ecosystem“, by Ramin Niroumand. Founder & CEO finleap as well as two innovative use cases and an interesting Tech & Science Panel.


Interested parties are cordially invited to participate in the format – Zoom dial-in details will be provided after their free registration.

Bismarckstraße 28
45470 Mülheim